Veronika Mattová and Courtney Lazore
How can individuals deal with personal trauma or internal
struggles more effectively? This is the main question of every
existential crisis, closely linked with humankind’s survival
strategy. Finding new, innovative ways for practitioners to
leverage therapeutic techniques and modern artificial
intelligence (AI) technology is crucial to providing precision
mental health support to more individuals. While looking at
possible approaches, it becomes more and more important to
synthesize complex ways practitioners can provide
multidimensional help. This paper investigates the possibility of
a new holistic treatment that integrates bibliotherapy’s
storytelling, Magic Shop as a psychodrama method, and AI
conversation tools – chatbots to ensure that individuals receive
encompassing supportive therapy and feel less isolated. The
holistic method is applied to K-pop through parasocial
interaction, as a case study. Combining these techniques creates
a holistic, accessible, and personalized mental health care option
that enhances the cognitive, emotional and practical well-being
of individuals in need of support.