17th international multiconference Information Society 2014 - IS 2014       


6-10th October, 2014

Jožef Stefan Institute , Ljubljana, Slovenia

About the Conference

Instructions for Authors


Important dates

Conference Committees

Further information

About the conference

The Robotics is changing the world and affecting worldwide society. Which are the trends, perspectives, advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats, of the “Robotics Society”?

The above questions will be discussed on the Robotic Conference, which will be held as a part of the 17th International Multiconference Information Society 2014.

You are kindly invited to use the “Information Society-IS 2014” multiconference and the “Robotics” conference in ways that best serve your interests.

Free entry.


Instructions for Authors

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers presenting new research related to the conference topics. Submitted papers must be original and thematically oriented, stimulating society development and incorporate recent developments. Theoretical as well as empirical papers are welcomed. They should not be too technical, yet still scientific in nature. Papers should not exceed 4 pages (word A4 format). Paper example can be found at the following web page: http://is.ijs.si/primer.doc. The files should be e-mailed to andrej.gams@ijs.si with corresponding author`s postal address, e-mail address, and phone number, not later than September 1st, 2014. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of Program Committee and send the acceptance notification to authors by September 10th. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference. Each accepted paper has to be presented at the conference by one of the authors and accompanied with the registration fee.


The Robotics conference will host (at least) three sessions. The plenary lecture (45 min + 15 min for questions) and three additional lectures will be given by guests from Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Belgrade, Serbia. Four presentations from Jozef Stefan Institute will follow. Other presentations will be scheduled according to the topics of the papers. A fixed presentation schedule will be issued after paper acceptance. Presentation time is limited to 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.

Important dates

September 1st,  2014: submission deadline
September 10th, 2014, September 15th, 2014:notification to authors
September 14th, 2014, September 22nd, 2014: camera ready papers

Conference Committees

      Programme Committee


Organizational Committee

        dr. Andrej Gams, chair

        dr. Bojan Nemec, chair

        dr. Aleš Ude, chair


        dr. Jadran Lenarčič, chair


   Matjaž Gams, chair

   Vedrana Vidulin, co-chair

   Mitja Luštrek

   Mitja Lasič

   Lili Lasič

   Vesna Koricki-Špetič

   Robert Blatnik

   Andrej Gams

Further Information

Aditional information are available on the following web-page: http://is.ijs.si. All questions should be addressed to the organizational committee.