Call for Papers
This year Slovenian Cognitive Science conference will be held again as a part of the multiconference Information Society at the "Jozef Stefan" Institute, Ljubljana. We are happy to invite everybody, dealing with the subject of human mind to present your work and participate in discussion. We want to highlight the diversity of topics, problems, methods and insights that is characteristic for modern cognitive science, which is why we aim at the broadest spectrum of disciplines. Papers from all of the constitutive areas will be considered: neuroscience, philosophy, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, educational sciences, economy and other applicable areas. The program committee will especially value works with interdisciplinary nature, attempting to bridge the gap between discipline-specific research approaches, terminologies and viewpoints.
The conference's main goal is to highlight the need for synthesis of the reach body of knowledge about human cognition. We will try to open the space for networking, debate, and exchange of knowledge; connecting local and international, young and seasoned researchers.
Submission and Review Process
Please send an extended abstract of max. 4 pages (approx. 2000 words) including references by email, with the subject line “Multiconference IS 2013”, to:
Deadline for
submission: September 5th, 2013 September 10th, 2013
Notification of
acceptance: September 15th, 2013 September 16th, 2013
Date of the conference: October 10th 2013
(Note: if the case of large number of accepted papers, we may extend the Conference for an additional day on October 11th 2013.)
Further information
For further information and format of your extended abstract see Instructions. See also the multiconference webpage Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Attending the conference is free of charge, but authors of papers must register.
For students and alumni of the MEiCogSci program, covering a talk and published proceeding we arranged a special fee of 50€ if you send in your paper via