13th international multiconference Information Society 2010 - IS 2010



Ubiquitous Care System to Support Independent Living

October 11 - 15, 2010

Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia


About the Workshop

Instructions for Authors


Important dates

Workshop Committees

Further information

About the project and workshop

The workshop is dedicated to the issues concerning project CONFIDENCE, Ubiquitous Care System to Support Independent Living, which is a project from the European seventh framework programme.

PARTNERS on the project: Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones, Técnicas de Gipuzkoa (Spain); Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS (Germany), Jozef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), Ikerlan (Spain), COOSS Marche (Italy), University of Jyväskylä (Finland), Umeå Municipality (Sweeden), eDevice (France), CUP2000 (Italy), ZENON S.A. Robotics & Informatics (Greece).

The main objective of the CONFIDENCE project is the development and integration of innovative technologies to build a care system for the detection of abnormal events (such as falls) or unexpected behaviours that may be related to a health problem in elderly people. Nowadays, most of the care systems in the market are limited to detect falls. The innovation of the system developed in the CONFIDENCE project is that it will not only detect falls, but also identify short and long term unexpected behaviours that could indicate health problems. Thanks to these features, the elderly people will gain the confidence and independence and the burden on families and caregivers will be substantially reduced. The result of this multidisciplinary research will be a working prototype.

The purpose of the CONFIDENCE project Workshop is to stimulate interdisciplinary debate between scientists, dealing with exploration of the related topics. All contributions, which represent the scientific efforts associated with the central theme of the project, are welcomed. Contributions can be  in the form of results of research reports, work in progress as well as overviews that will present your perspective on particularphenomena.

In particular, we invite researchers who deal with any aspect of CONFIDENCE project to attend this event.

Instructions for Authors

As traditionally, also 2010 CONFIDENCE project Workshop invites all researchers who work in the areas of CONFIDENCE project to present your work.  The papers should be e-mailed in a word or PDF file to matjaz.gams@ijs.si and jana.krivec@ijs.si, not later than August 30th 2010. Papers should not exceed 4 pages(word A4 format). An example can be found here: example. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of Program Committee and the acceptance notification will be sent to authors by August 30th .



Presentations will be organized in sections according to the paper topic and presentation language (fixed schedule will be issued after paper acceptance). Papers should be written and presented in English. Presentation time is limited to 10-20 minutes (detailed programme will be published when the conference shedulle will be finished).


Important dates

August 30th,  2010  September 20th,  2010:submission deadline

September 5th,  2010  September 24th,  2010: authors notification

September 10th,  2010  September 25th,  2010: camera ready papers


Conference Committees

Programme Committee


 Organizational Committee

Igone Velez, chair

Matjaž Gams, cochair

Boštjan Kaluža,

Mitja Luštrek,

Violeta Mirčevska,

Rok Piltaver,

Erik dovgan,

Božidara Cvetković


Thomas von der Grün,

Bartsch Carsten,

Stefan Gonnet,

Patrik Karlsson,

Eva Bergstrom,

Narciso González,

Fulvio Tamburriello,

Claudio Sdogati

Matjaž Gams,PhD, chair

Mitja Luštrek,PhD, co-chair

Mitja Lasič

Lili Lasič

Jana Krivec

Lana Jelenkovič

Robert Blatnik


Further Information

Information about the project CONFIDENCE can be found on the  project webpage.

Aditional information about the IS conference are available on the following web-page: http://is.ijs.si.